Monday, November 28, 2005


It appears there are some changes in the options available for uploading pictures. As posted on this Drawn! and this Boing Boing article, Flickr! is enforcing some restrictions to their posting policies. My blog, in the short term, exists as a means of documenting my development as an artist. I am making a serious effort to post my progression and will probably include most of my posts as uploads of scans, conversion of scans (using illustrator CS2's Live Trace & practice with the pen tool). As I see things, I need to look at other options for uploading me work.

Back in September, I visited Digg and found subVariance on my first day under the Design tab. For the short term, I will post some of my work here. My standards are low so I might give them a try. I posted my Illustration Friday Night image there and a pre-instruction drawing for Dr. Betty Edwards', "New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain." Here is the image. I plan to make a vector drawing of this for use as my icon.

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